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Drilled Seeding Depth:1

¼-½ inches


Drilled Seeding Rate:

12-15* lb./A PLS 


Broadcast Seeding Rate:

15-19* lb./A PLS 


Aerial Seeding Rate:

18-23* lb./A PLS 


Min. Germination Temp.:



Winter Survival:



*If used for forage/grazing increasing seeding rate is recommended. Success of overseeding or aerial seeding after main crop maturity and before harvest is dependent on rainfall and although it can work well, it is usually less dependable than drilling or soil incorporation of seed.

Annual Ryegrass

*Ratings come from the Midwest Cover Crop Council

Nutrient Scavenger


Soil   Builder

Very Good

Erosion Control

Weed Suppression



Forage Quality

Quick Growth

Very Good

Very Good

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